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$45.00 Larimar Bead Bracelet
$15.00 Larimar Bead Mixed Bracelets
$6.00 Seed and Coconut Christmas Ornament
$8.00 Hanging Beach Decoration (Christmas)
$25.00 STITCHED t-shirts
$4.00 Pinch of the DR Bracelets
$35.00 Island Landscape Momo Bags
$35.00 Haiti Fruit Momo Bags
$30.00 Larimar and/or Amber Silver Pendant
$20.00 Larimar and Silver Ring
$20.00 Caribbean Sock Monkey
$86.00 Thick Silver and Amber Necklace
$45.00 Silver and Larimar/Amber Necklace
$50.00 Silver and Larimar/Amber Braclet
$10.00 Leather Braided Bracelet